If you’re having trouble using a discount code, there are a few things you can check.
- The code is still valid. Some codes have expiry dates, please check if the code is still valid - you should be able to find this information on the platform you received the code (for example an email).
- The code is being entered correctly - To avoid spelling errors, we recommend copying the code (from the platform you received it e.g. an email) and pasting it into the discount code box to avoid typos.
- The code is being used on the correct product - Some codes are only valid on certain products or ranges. Please check the terms of the code to make sure you’re using it on a valid product or range.
If you have tried the above and the code will not work, get in touch with us and we’ll happily look into it for you! Where possible, we recommend contacting us via live chat to get your issue resolved in real time!
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